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About Us



Our mission at Broadway On The Side is to revitalize theatre in communities through education, cultural access, and landmark restoration.





After having both great and less-than-great experiences in theatre ranging from community to professional, we took a long look at what the South Puget Sound area has to offer in both theatre education as well as opportunities to perform. We came up with the idea of a company that gives children and adults, local and visiting artists, and students and professionals a place to be creative and step out of the pigeon hole they may repeatedly find themselves in. We also wanted to provide exposure for performers and the community to music(als) that they might otherwise not get the chance to experience. So we created Broadway On The Side. Seattle is known for their quality theatre and talent, but we believe the South Puget Sound has just as much. We have learned so much from our community and from our own endeavors, and after much searching we have found that there is truly nothing like Broadway On The Side. We have studied, researched, and asked for feedback and came to a realization that we did not want to compete with the area's performing arts community, but rather support and add to it. That is why we plan and schedule our shows and rehearsals around the performing lives of cast members - whether students, teachers, directors or professionals. We believe that everyone can learn something from anyone and that learning never stops.





Broadway On The Side is a nonprofit company led by a board of directors who are local patrons of the arts and members of the community. In addition, all shows are made up of cast, instrumentalists, and crew comprised completely of volunteers. Our organization focuses on education for those who are interested in the arts, providing an accessible and user-friendly musical theatre experience for enthusiasts and new-comers alike, and showcasing professional as well as local and emerging talent. We have created a safe space where we aim to provide an environment that fosters ideas and creativity and allows us to grow as performers while simultaneously giving back to community. We believe that in order to suceed, one needs to feel safe ~ safe enough to try something new, safe enough to make mistakes, and even safe enough to fall flat on one's face. We believe this because when it happens, that is when we can seize the opportunity to nurture one another and turn those experiences into successes.





While we are working on getting our after-school programs up and running, we are offering classes in acting, dance, and music to students of all ages. 





We favor the cabaret style similar to a revue and arrange all music for the cast and live combo to allow the music and performers to really shine through. Often times a performer is not cast in a role because they do not fit the director's vision which is understood and respected. What this can mean is that someone who may be cast as a Wicked Step-Sister may never get the chance to play Cinderella due to the constraints of casting a full-fledged musical. So what we decided to do is provide something a little bit different, something that allows us to cast against the standard and give performers a chance to do something they may otherwise not have the opportunity to do - maybe it's a role they are not the right gender for, maybe they direct shows but never get to be in them, or maybe there's a wonderful song that never gets performed because the show it's from is simply terrible. That is why we do what we do. But it's not just for the performers, it's for our community and the surrounding areas so we all can enjoy a little more Broadway... on the side. 





Our vision is to expand our educational program and continue producing quality performances regularly, offer training for anybody in any area at any age, and eventually get our own space in the heart of Puyallup. Currently we are working towards acquiring such a space so we can better serve the community. We are investing in the future of the performing arts in our area and hope you will join us.





Stay up-to-date with events and news by following us through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Share your favorite pictures and posts!

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Plans For The Future
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Broadway On The Side arts dancer logo without shadow

454 N 325 E, Ogden, UT 84404



Broadway On The Side is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to support and heal our communities through providing professional quality entertainment and unparalleled artistic and educational experiences in an uplifting and welcoming environment for everyone and anyone to explore their personal relationship with the arts.

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